Truth: Internet Marketing is a teaching & mentoring business. If you study vitamins, or long-distance switches, or the age of the monk in the white lab coat that scraped the mold off the rock on the full moon twice a year ... or ANY product or service ... you're wasting your time.
Your product is people. So study people. Find out how you can help them reach their dreams.
THEIR dreams. Not your dreams.
People join people. They don't join companies. People don't care that the president of your company is a family man and has 3 or 4 families to prove it.
Build people. People will build the business.
When you build people, your retention rate goes through the roof.
Truth: People are people - not numbers. They have goals, dreams and desires. They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews,grandmothers, and grandfather's to someone that loves them. They are not a number, but real people.
If you treat them like a number, I promise you: you have NO future in Internet Marketing.
This lie teaches people to be a recruiter, not a sponsor. Recruit, recruit, recruit. Numbers, numbers, numbers. Lies, lies, lies. A recruiter never knows their personally sponsored people's "WHY." or their dreams, goals, or spouse's or children's names. It's only about numbers.
To succeed long-term, you need to become a mentor with a servant's heart. When you do, people will ask you to PLEASE sponsor them into your business. Ever wonder why you get so many "NO"s? Take a look at ...
The Stupidest Lie They ALL Tell You!
The Heavy Hitters tell you "NO" is a good thing! Go get 100 “NO’s”, they say. You're just getting closer to a "YES."
THIS baby is REALLY one of my favorites!
Isn't it the stupidest thing you ever heard? What IDIOT came up with this idea? The word "NO" has taken more good people out of this industry that any other word in the English language.
Picture this: all day long you've been flirting with your spouse. At night you take a bath, candles around the tub, soft music, perfect for romance. Some hugging, some kissing. and your spouse says "NO!"
GREAT! Just 99 more "NO"s and you'll get lucky!
And some IDIOT says NO is a good thing.
There’s an old saying you hear from time to time: the reason you have 2 ears and 1 mouth is you should LISTEN twice as much as you TALK !
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