Sunday, November 30, 2008
That's your pitch ?
How many times have you given up on the first NO ? You can't get the sale if you don't ask. It's that simple. So the next time someone says no to you don't give up. Ask yourself why they are saying no ? Listen to what reasons they give you. Then build your conversation from there. The only time you should pitch to someone is when you have a uniform on and a glove in your hand.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Time is NOW !
- Take notice of the world around you. No matter what you're doing, try to find something beautiful around you. Maybe on your way to work or school, you go over a beautiful bridge, or you get a view of the sunrise behind the city buildings. Realizing these small things can bring life and happiness even to the most boring or routine days. Be thankful for those little things.
- Focus on whatever you're doing. Even if you're just walking, or wiping the counter, or shuffling cards - how does it feel? There's probably some kind of commentary spinning through your mind, and it probably has to do with something other than what you're doing. Let those thoughts go and focus on what is (not what was, or what could be). In Buddhism, this is referred to as mindfulness. Pay attention to your senses - touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. Pretend it's the very last time you'll ever experience whatever you're experiencing. Have you ever been so engrossed in something that it seemed like the rest of the world just disappeared? Living in the moment is about creating that state of mind at any time. Slow down, and try to savor the present.
- Smile when you wake up. You can set the tone of appreciation and awareness for the next 24 hours by simply waking up and smiling. Don't wake up with a groan and a smash of your alarm clock. There's scientific proof that the expressions that you make with your face can actually influence how you feel. In particular, true happiness is most closely tied to a Duchenne smile which involves smiling with your eyes, as well as your mouth.
- Commit random, spontaneous acts of kindness. Whether it's donating 1 dollar to a fund at the pharmacy, picking up litter, or helping victims of natural disasters, keep alert in every moment of your day for some way in which you can make the world a better place. Even the smallest thing, like complimenting someone, can bring joy It's the most spontaneous and unexpected acts of kindness that produce the greatest impact, and you can't be sensitive to those kinds of opportunities unless you're living in the moment.
- Minimize activities that dull your awareness of the moment. What are you doing that tempts your mind to run away from the present? For most people, watching television puts you in a passive state of mind, and time slips right by. Daydreaming and getting lost in a good movie or book isn't bad, but it's not living in the moment because it places your concentration on something that isn't right here, right now; it's a form of escapism. Don't zone out; zone in. Do things that are active, and that encourage you to look around and engage the world in that moment. Gardening, playing a game, knitting, and playing an instrument are all activities that lend themselves to mindfulness. So get off the computer after reading this article!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Affirm to others the vision of the world you want
Use every letter you write
Every conversation you have
Every meeting you attend
To express your fundamental beliefs and dreams
Affirm to others the vision of the world you want
Network through thought
Network through action
Network through love
Network through the spirit
You are the centre of a network
You are the centre of the world
You are a free, immensely powerful source of life and goodness
Affirm it
Spread it
Radiate it
Think night and day about it
And you will see a miracle happen: the greatness of your own life.
In a world of big powers, media and monopolies
But of four and a half billion individuals
Networking is the freedom
The new democracy
A new form of happiness.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Play to Your Strengths
Remember in school, when you signed up for subjects in which you were already knowledgeable? How did this make you feel? "Great! This is going to be easy."What advice did you get from your counselors? Probably, they recommended you take classes where you were weakest. What a drag!
While learning new subjects is a great idea, striving to develop weaknesses can work against you. Conventional wisdom says we should work on improving our weaknesses. This is a terrible waste of time, talent and opportunity.
Imagine what would have happened if Chopin, Einstein, Jack Nicklaus or Pavarotti had followed that advice. All these people devoted their life to developing their natural strengths. As a result, they each were tops in their field.
Highly successful entrepreneurs, as well as top scientists, artists, athletes and entertainers throughout history have achieved greatness by focusing on their areas of strength.
Everyone has a natural aptitude in something. We all have a special 'gift'. You may be especially good at working with numbers, drawing pictures, teaching children, growing plants or caring for those less fortunate than you. Your special talent may involve music, athletic ability, empathy, writing, or working with your hands.
Chances are, you don't even recognize your own aptitude. You might think that all of us can see and appreciate the subtleties of color the same as you. You may not get that some of us are not as graceful as you. You might believe that all people are able to effortlessly grow a beautiful garden.
The truth is that we are all very different. You are able to do some things better than I can. And, I can do some things better than you.
How do you discover your natural talents? First, write down a list of those things that you do that seem easy for you. These are the things that you can do that seem almost effortless. Often, the tasks that are easy for us are those where we have a special aptitude.
Next, make a list of those things you do where time just seems to fly by. When you are doing these activities, you may look up and realize that several hours have passed without you even realizing it. This is a good clue to activities where you have natural talent.
Finally, write all the activities that make you happy. These are things that make you smile. These are the tasks you would do just for yourself, with no promise of gain, just because they're fun, interesting and fulfilling.
Look through the three lists to find the common activities. These are likely to be the areas of your natural aptitude and talent. These are the areas of greatest potential for you. Imagine if you could spend most of your time developing and playing at something that makes you happy, where time flies and where it's easy for you. Wow!
Don't get caught up in the old advice to work on your weaknesses. Hire someone who is good where you are weak. Delegate tasks that you don't enjoy to others who do enjoy those things. Automate the repetitious tasks. Contract out the chores that you are not great at doing.
No matter how hard you try, it is unlikely you will ever be more than average in areas where you do not have an aptitude. Always working on your weaknesses undermines your self esteem since you will focus mostly on your deficiencies.
On the other hand, working to develop your natural talents is self rewarding and motivating, allowing you to continually realize higher and higher levels of ability, achievement and success. Invest your time and energy in being great at something. Really great. You will be happier And the recipients of your work, your customers will reward you for your excellence. What a combination; doing what you love and people pay you for it!
Focus on your strengths. Experience the immense satisfaction that comes with being superb at something.